Tag Archives: TV shows

Watching LOST with Ben.

Lately, my brother and I have started watching old episodes of LOST. It’s kinda sad, in a way… Since he went to college, nowadays, the only time I spend with my brother is when we watch LOST together. It’s actually a lot of fun. I probably wouldn’t have watched that show if my brother wasn’t watching it with me, because I tend to stay away from mainstream books, movies, TV shows, etc.(I’m an art snob, I admit it.), not because they’re mainstream, but because usually my tastes differ from what is popular. There are several exceptions, though. And don’t get me wrong; I’m not the kind of person who hates something just because it’s mainstream, and likes something just because it’s obscure.

Anyways, although the plot is jumpy and confusing at times, the episodes seem to always end on a cliffhanger, the dialogue is stiff and unrealistic; I’m actually hooked on that show. We’re in the middle of the fourth season right now, so don’t give me any spoilers! I hate that. My favorite characters are Desmond and Hurley. The reaction that Desmond was able to convey when SPOILER! SPOILER! SPOILER! SPOILER! Charlie was drowning but he wrote on his hand “not Penny’s boat” was a mix of devastation because his friend was dying but he couldn’t help him, and elation because he knew his love was still alive. This scene, I admit, made my eyes water a bit. I would look up the actor’s name, but I’m too lazy.

Alright, end of spoilers. End of blog post, too. I’m off to bed. Two posts in one day. I feel accomplished.